Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Wine News From Around the World

Industry News

Click on title link to read the entire article:

An Unlikely Wine Industry in India
"Bulls lumber down dusty roads, cow-dung patties bake in the sun, and women in bright saris pluck grapes from manicured fields, their bangles jangling with every toss. Welcome to India's wine country. This sleepy town in western India, long famous for its grapes, has become the subcontinent's Sonoma Valley, the heart of a $100 million industry that has seen annual growth of more than 25 percent annually since 2003."
Wine Consumption in U.S. Rises, Declines in Europe
"The International Organization of Vine and Wine says consumption in the United States rose at "a substantial rate." But wine consumption in Europe declined again."
Label Standard For Aussie Export Wines Coming
"Wine labeling laws will be harmonized across Australia to cut red tape and save winemakers an estimated $25 million each year in re-labeling costs. Australia exported 787.2 million litres of wine in 2006-07, worth $2.8 billion."