Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Welcome To Our New Web Site!

Today, April Fool's Day, Roxy's Bottle Shop officially kicks off our brand new website. Thank you for visiting and be sure to bookmark this page so you can come back often.

There are several purposes for this website. First it is a way to let our customers know what is going on at Roxy's. We'll be posting announcements of store events (such as Customer Appreciation Day coming up in May) and we'll also be posting announcements of all the new products we bring into the store. As you may know we are constantly adding new wines, beers, and liquors to our inventory so there is always something new to try. We'll be posting a list of new products every week.

We also know that many of our customers are hungry for knowledge. To this end, we will be posting articles on wine and beer and spirits from experts around the world as well as local experts. The more you learn about wine, for instance, the easier it will be to find the wines you truly enjoy. And everyone loves history, right? We'll be posting articles on the history of wine, beer, and spirits. We plan on providing a wealth of information. If you look at the Directory in the right column you'll see that we also have a wine glossary and beer glossary where you can learn about terminologies used in discussing wine and beer. We will be continually updating these glossaries.

We'll also be reviewing books on wine, beer, and spirits. And we'll also be keeping everyone up to date on industry news and liquor laws.

But it is not just information that we'll be providing. This is an interactive site and you can participate! After most articles there is a comment link. You can click on that link to read comments or to leave your own comment. With this tool we can all have discussions on the subjects brought up by the articles. We can share our views and opinions. In the right column we have a monthly poll that everyone can vote in. This month the question is about Sunday liquor sales.

But wait! There are more ways in which you can participate. We will be compiling beer and wine reviews from our customers. You can write a review of your favorite beverage to be included in this compilation. Click on the Submissions link in the right column to find out how. Furthermore, once your review is posted others can leave comments on their impression of that beverage. So if you are considering trying a new beer, for instance, you can check the website to see what other customers say about that beer. We will also be compiling a list of customer's original recipes for cocktails and such. Click on the Recipes link in the right column for more details.

And there's more. Beginning in May we will be sending out a monthly newsletter with coupons for special discounts on select products. All you have to do is print off the coupons and bring them into the store to get the special discount. These special discounts will only be available to those who sign up for the newsletter and bring in the newsletter coupons so go to the newsletter sign-up box in the right column and enter your email address to receive these coupons. It's easy and it's free. And you can save money.

We hope you enjoy our new website. We plan to keep it updated constantly so there will be something new every few days. You can click on the Comments link below to leave comments now and you can also tell Roxy, Greg, Alex, and Michael what you think when you come into the store. The website is a work in progress so all suggestions are appreciated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Roxy and Greg!!